- Module adjustments on almost every page for Headings on mobile.
- Additional CSS styling for other areas.
- Bumped version to 4.1
- Gorgeous “Split Header” page added – Home > Split Header
- Fresh, new images included in many areas
- New example “Layouts” page available at Pages > Layouts
- Easily accessible additional demo content – almost a dozen new layout JSON packages available at Pages > Download Layouts
- CSS updates to incorporate the new stuff and enhance the existing stuff
- Bumped version to 4.0
- Updated demo content import process to fix a bug caused by a library change in Divi 3.0.99+
- Bumped version to 3.2.2
- Fixed issue with pixel-width “white space” showing on right side of browser.
- Integrated simpler, faster “Easy Demo Import” for sample content and plugin import process.
- Bumped version to 3.2
- Updated main Child Theme CSS
- Removed Gradient Text from Home Page
- Added CSS to the “Home Colors” Page’s Custom CSS area
- Bumped version to 3.1
- Integrated one-click installation process
- Optimized all media and content.xml to curtail some one-click installation failures
- Integrated Page Builder Everywhere 2.0
- Removed header.php
- Removed footer.php
- Changed “copyright” (bottom bar footer) to use default functionality via Divi > Theme Customizer
- Added CSS to bottom bar footer to make it uniform with previous PBE version
- Bumped version to 2.0