Event Theme Documentation

1. Three Icons Row

This row will need to have the class three_icons_row applied to it and it will need to be organized like this in the backend:

The Icon # module is a Blurb Module and the Icon Hover module is a Image Module. They need to be in this order in the column for the custom CSS to work.

2. Custom Images Column

The column in which you nest the two Images needs to have the class custom_images_column to it. You will have to make sure the tall image has a Portrait aspect ratio (height bigger than width) and the small image has a Landscape aspect ratio (height smaller that width). The gradient border is achieved by setting a gradient background + padding on the Image module that has it.

In case you need to have the column on the left like in this example:

You’ll have to add the class left to the column as well so that the CSS will adjust the position of the small image.

3. Speakers Row

In order to achieve this look, the row which contains the speakers will have to have the class speakers_row applied to it. It will also need to be structured this way in the backend:

Also, the See More Button will need to have the id load_more_speakers in order for the Javascript to target it. The See More Button will only appear if there’s more than one row of Speakers on the page.

For more information, please consult the video tutorial.

4. Schedule Section

This section work by linking up the buttons with the Divi Sections that follow them. That means that the first button will trigger the first section, the second button the second section, etc.

In order for this section to work, the row that has the buttons will have to have the class schedule_buttons applied to it.

Each section will have to have the class schedule_day_section applied to it and it can look however you want it to look as long as all the content for a specific day will be inside the section.

For more information, please consult the video tutorial.

5. Custom Gallery Slider

In order to achieve this look for the Slider, you’ll need to apply the class custom_gallery_slider to the Gallery Module.

6. Custom Pricing Table

In order to achieve this look for your Pricing tables the Pricing Table Module needs to have the class custom_pricing_tables applied to it.

7. Custom Form

In order to have your Divi Contact Form look like this:

You’ll need to apply the class custom_form to it.

8. Custom Logo Section

The section or row containing the Image modules with the logos should have the id: custom _logo_section and then, depending on how many logos you want to have the section should also have one of these classes:
eight_logos , five_logos , six_logos

9. Custom One Line Form

In order to have you form look like this you’ll need to create a Divi Contact Form with only one email and then applying the class one_line_form to it.